Learning Materials#
Hey guys, this is my personal reading note. I am not sure there might be some mistakes in my understanding. Please feel free to correct me (hsiangjenli@gmail.com) if you find any. Thanks!
Network Science - Albert-László Barabási - http://networksciencebook.com/
Graph Representation Learning Book - William L. Hamilton - https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~wlh/grl_book/
Stanford CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs - Jure Leskovec - https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224w/
Network Science - Reihaneh Rabbany - http://www.reirab.com/Teaching/NS22/index.html
Building Knowledge Graphs - https://go.neo4j.com/rs/710-RRC-335/images/Building-Knowledge-Graphs-Practitioner%27s-Guide-OReilly-book.pdf